Time for some ToughLove

Introducing ToughLove's Justin Gouldson

I have been addressing the physical, psychological and emotional needs of men, women and their families for over 30 years. I truly love what I do, and I wouldn’t have the skills sets that I do, if it wasn’t for the mutually beneficial interactions I’ve had with thousands of members / clients. Thank you to you all for shaping the career pathway I choose.

Our entire reality is created by how we process our surroundings, experiences and situations, and how we manage adversity. There are natural adversities that we all face, and then there are the invisible adversities that are placed upon us. We need to know what they are, and I’m in the belief that we will soon know far more about the world we live in and what’s been taking place for centuries!

Sadly, too many people don’t realise that they are victims of levels of mind control that’s been influenced by fear. ‘Fear’ is what keeps people unwell, and the world divided. We are one world, and we are as one. We’re blessed to be able to share this experience called life, along with nature, the animal kingdom, and our beautiful world. The only climate issues we face, are those that are being deliberately engineered. As usual - for money and world total control. Take the time to study the sky, and you’ll soon see for yourself.

The seeds of fear, fall onto the fertile soil of a young persons mind early on in childhood. When we can be most easily influenced. Especially now, in a digitally connected SMART world that’s relentless in bombarding the mind with content / news that’s perpetually negative. The mind doesn’t respond well, and neither does the landscape of the human body. The primal issue manifested through fear - inflammation! This is why the world needs to re-learn how to breath properly.

In the early years of my business in fitness, I became very aware of the role ‘stress’ plays in destabilising how a person looks and feels. I also noticed the dramatic improvements in all aspects of a persons health, the moment they made that conscious disconnection from source/s of fear. Including making sense of incubating fear within the mind. What also became blatantly obvious was the levels of mind control being deployed to keep humanity locked into a state of compliance, slavery, and the need to constantly chase power, more and more money / material things as badges of success, over health and actual happiness.

Highly driven, high net worth individuals who’d gamble their lives / bonds of unity away after being enticed to role a dice in the ‘Devils Casino of Temptation!’ Entertaining false feelings of invincibility that for some reason goes hand in hand with having vast amounts of money. A good bank account, but repeat failed marriages doesn’t constitute as true success.

I work with men, women and families who are focused, and who value the endless benefits that come with being fit, healthy, happy and in great shape. People who recognise the need to stay grounded, no matter how financially successful they become. Children brought into the world, who grow up to be well rounded people, with distinct values, and a zest for life.

The world finds itself (by design) in a dangerous place. Now more than ever, we need to wake up to the reality of what’s going on, and become wise to the agenda that’s being played out. There are reasons why the populations of countries are taking to the streets. Have you noticed / acknowledged the attack on humanity / way of life / freedoms over the last 4 years? Since late 2019?

Are you aware of what’s at stake? And what’s secretly being imposed on humanity behind closed doors? - W.H.O / Pandemic Treaty.

The time has come, to STOP, take a step back and review what’s currently taking place in our world. Collectively, humanity needs to bravely stand up, say ‘No!’, and re-establish a way of life that’s pro-life. A way of life that protects our sovereign rights, and stands up for each other.

We need to go back to the basics, disconnect from sources of indoctrination / mind control, and make some urgent changes in the way we’re living our lives. Our current way of life, is harmful, unsustainable, and hands over power to entities that have got other plans.

Think about your life, and think about the lives of your children. At this point, simply not knowing, or choosing to not know will result in dire consequences. If my warning is new to you, then please start doing some research. If you’re interested in a conversation, let's talk.

Please take notice. Please join the army of humanity that are doing everything possible to refuse the agenda in play.

The agenda by the way is - Agenda 2030. ‘You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy!’

Please think carefully about what that means.


Is a powerful resource that will put you back in control of all aspects of your wellbeing, so you can make the best ‘informed’ choices for yourself and your family. For today, tomorrow and in protection of the years to come.

Where We Go One We Go WorldWide. WWG1WGWW

Justin Gouldson

Justin Gouldson - Personal Trainer, Life Coach & Counsellor


1. Know Who You Are

2. Know Where You Are

3. Know How You Feel

4. Optimise Your Health And Physical Appearance

5. Relationships - Love, Unity, Trust And Family

6. Home - Sanctuary

7. Business - Health And Wealth


  • Member of CIMSPA and U.K Coaching (R0009288)
  • Dip Hyp and Member of Hypnotherapy Society
  • Poliquin BioSignature Practitioner Level 2
  • John Maxwell Coaching Certification Programme